The Lab is dedicated for Database related practicals. High configuration computer systems installed with softwares like Oracle Server, MySQL are used by the students to execute their Database related projects and assignments.
C/C++ Programming Lab

The lab is installed with all important tools for providing an environment where the students can learn to execute C and C++ programs.
Computer Network Lab

The lab facilitates students to perform Computer Network practicals. It is equipped with latest networking related devices, All important Network Simulators like Cisco Packet Tracer, NS3 and NetSim are installed to provide solution to the practical problems faced by computer science Engineer.
Algorithms Lab

Students execute all data structure and other algorithm related practicals in the lab. The latest platforms/compilers are provided to the students to run their programs.It provides an environment to solve complex problem in the field of Computer Science.
Python Programming Lab

Python is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It is used to develop web applications, data science, creating software prototypes and so on. This lab facilitates students to perform practicals related to python programming.