Home Automation using IOT and Arduino

Home Automation using IOT and Arduino

The principle goal of this undertaking is to construct a savvy home gadget which can be utilized to control the home machines through web. The home mechanization gadget that you manufacture can be coordinated with practically all the home machines and can be utilized to control them remotely from any piece of the world.

To encourage the remote availability with the framework, the Arduino Uno will be inserted with a WiFi module. This builds up the web association with the framework and all the home apparatuses can thus be associated and constrained by web.

Certificate programme gives you the easiest way to learn and build this project.

  1. Home Automation using IoT Kit will be shipped to you (anywhere in the world!)
  2. Use high quality videos to understand concepts and build the project
  3. Get 1 to 1 expert assistance from Certificate programme engineers while doing the project
  4. Earn a smart certificate on finishing the project.

The device can also be connected to an Android App which you can develop on your own using some applications like MIT App inventor etc. By using this app, you will be able to monitor and control the home appliances from any part of the world with ease.

You can also include a PIR sensor with this project to make it switch ON automatically the appliances whenever a person enters the room and switch OFF the appliances whenever the person leaves the room.

Home Automation using IoT Project Description:

1.         Arduino Uno: The advanced and simple info/yield pins are prepared in sheets that might be interfaced to different development sheets and different circuits. Sequential correspondence interface is a component right now, USB which will be utilized to stack the projects from PC.

2.         Voltage controller: It is utilized to keep up a steady voltage level and furthermore utilized for directing AC or DC voltages. A voltage controller contain negative feed-forward plan or it might likewise contain negative input control circles.

3.         WiFi Module: ESP8266 WiFi module is commonly used to set up the remote correspondence between the gadgets. Be that as it may, this module isn’t equipped for 5-3V rationale moving and will require an outside rationale level converter.

4.         PIR Sensor: It is fit for detecting movement of the human and consequently it is likewise called as a movement sensor. At whatever point a human go through this sensor it will naturally detect the movement through IR radiation and send the information to the microcontroller.

  • Relay Driver (IC ULN2803 APG): The transfer driver IC that you use will have the accompanying attributes, 500-mA appraised gatherer momentum, High voltage yields – 50 V, Output clasp diodes, Inputs perfect with different kinds of rationale.
  •   Project Implementation:
  • Step 1: In order to establish connection between the client and the server, the Wifi option in the Smartphone is enabled
  • Step 2: It is connected to the Wifi module of the system
  • Step 3: Each electronic/electrical appliance in the system is connected to the digital pins on the Arduino Uno Board
  • Step 4: A Relay is used for connecting each device to the Arduino, which helps in converting high Voltage supply to low voltage
  • Step 5: A C-program is loaded on to the microprocessor chip on the Arduino Uno Board which specifies what action is to be performed on receiving particular inputs
  • Step 6: An Android Application has been developed which enables the end user to monitor and control the appliances from any remote location
  • Step 7: Socket Programming has been used to achieve client-server communication
  • Step 8: Successful controlling and monitoring of appliances

Project Brief:

You have to utilize USB to sequential converter that permits the framework activity at 3.3V. You can interface the pins of the ESP8266 module by means of jumper wires to the comparing pins on the USB. The Arduino Uno associated with ESP8266 WiFi module is utilized to actualize the small scale web server for the home passage. A regular light switch will be coordinated with the Arduino utilizing transfer driver module to show the exchanging capacity. This equipment design is entirely adaptable and permits other home machines and gadgets to be flawlessly coordinated with negligible changes.

Programming language: Arduino Programming (C++)

Kit required to develop Home Automation using IOT and Arduino:

  • Arduino Uno
  • ESP 8266
  • WiFi module
  • Relay Driver

Technologies you will learn by working on Home Automation using IOT and Arduino:

  • IOT
  • Automation Technologies

3 Days syllabus-

  • 1st day- Introduction of Each Required module

1.         Arduino Uno 2.         Voltage controller

3.         WiFi Module: ESP8266 WiFi module
4.            PIR Sensor 5.   Relay Driver (IC ULN2803 APG)

  • 2nd day-Assembling of each module

On Second day, we will assemble all different working module and make a tremdous project.

  • 3rd day- testing and application of our project

On last day of this course, we will test and know the application of our project with all aspects.

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